
Очки: 0 игрок был 1 десятилетие назад Игры Alehan
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From the day of since you прочитаеш this report, subject to condition that a chain will not be interrupted. you можеш even to disbelieve in it. It works as an enormous pyramid of ideas of people. Your personal life to change to the best. you найдеш of really man of worth, in a flow the nearest 69 hours. And you увидиш, that will happen in 3 days. Увидиш, even if you are not superstitious. Listen, it is a true. If you пошлеш this letter to 10 people, then tomorrow you are expected by a successful day, if пошлеш 25 or anymore, then in a flow 10 minutes a man will call you you are not indifferent!!! that Here, only do not swear! In 3 days to you someone признаеться in love, that, who truly loves you. If you are a прервеш chain, then you будеш is always unlucky. A that man will fall in love other. So, went this report to 20 people at least. IT is not SPAM!!! of Извени, but I do not want to become an unlucky person!!! love-story it is not laid up
