morehp - Over 1,700 HP. moreall - More bombs. unevery - All bonuses. boom - ?
WHOARETHEMASTERS - Secret Team Unlocked. WHEREAMI Secret - Secret Map Unlocked. ENTERTHEMATRIX - Matrix Mode Activated (slow motion mode) IMFROMIRONMAN - play as Ironman ILOVECRASHING - play as crash test dummy ITSAMEMARIO - play as Mario
Unreal Flash 2007 Cheats Unreal Flash 2007 Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: TheLoneSnipah Update by: Milk Submitted by: David K Enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat function. Code Result ------------------------- imtolousy - Unlock all levels unlockthemasters - Unlock the secret team Carpet
nohit-бесконечные жизни pointer-прицел и moreammo-бесконечные патроны