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Piteously and seemed hopeless, he suddenly began to whine, clumsily waddling back and forth - looking for his mother. Then the master put him on his lap and popped a pacifier in her mouth with milk. And what could I do monthly puppy if he does not yet understand in life absolutely, and the mother still no, no matter what the complaint. So he tried to ask the sad concerts. While, however, fell asleep at the hands of the owner in his arms with a bottle of milk. But on the fourth day the baby has already become accustomed to the warmth of human hands. Puppies very quickly begin to respond to affection. His name he did not know, but after a week to determine exactly what he - Beam. In two months, he was surprised to see things: tall for the pup desk, and on the wall - a gun, a hunting bag and face of a man with long hair. To all this quickly accustomed. No wonder it was not already in the fact that the person on the wall at rest: time does not move - a small interest. However, a little later, then, he no-no and yes look: what does it mean - a person looks out of the frame as out of the window? The second wall was entertaining. It all consisted of various sticks, each owner could pull out and reinsert it. At the age of four months, when Bim was able to reach on their hind legs, he pulled brusochek and tried to explore it. But he rustled some reason and left teeth in Bima sheet. It was very fun to tear into small pieces the paper. - What's that ?! - Shouted the master. - You can not! - Bima and poked his nose in a book. - Beam, you can not. You can not! After such a suggestion, even a person refuses to read, but Bim - No: he looked long and hard at the book, then bowing his head to one side, then the other. And, apparently, I decided this: since this is impossible, I will take another. He gently grabbed the back and dragged this thing under the couch, there is one binding otzheval first corner, then another, and forgetting himself, dragged the hapless book on the middle of the room and began to torment the legs playfully, so even with priprygom. It was then that he learned for the first time that such a "sick" and what is "impossible". The owner got up from the table and said sternly: - No! - And trepanul ear. - You do me, your head is stupid, "the Bible for believers and non-believers" tore. - And again: - Do not! Books - impossible! - He again pulled the ear. Bim screamed yes and picked up all four paws. So lying on his back, he looked at the master and could not figure out what was actually happening. - You can not! You can not! - I pecked the deliberate and popped again and again the book to the nose, but not punished. Then he raised a puppy in his arms, stroking and saying the same thing - can not be the boy, can not, silly. - And sat. And I landed on my knees. So at an early age Bim received from the master morality through "the Bible for believers and non-believers." Bim licked his hand and stared into his face. He was loved, when the host was talking to him, but he knew until just two words: "Beam" and "impossible." And yet, very, very interesting to see how hanging on the forehead hair is white, his lips are moving and how good touch to the warm fur, gentle fingers. But Bim already able to determine exactly - fun is now the owner or sad, he criticizes or praises, calling or chases. He visited and sad. Then, he is talking to himself and turned to Bimu: - So here we live, fool. What are you looking at her? - He pointed to the portrait. - It's brother, died. No it. No ... - He stroked Bima and in full confidence saying: - Oh, you are my fool, BIMCO. Do you not yet understand. But he was right only in part, since Bim realized that now play with it will not, and the word "fool" took on his own expense, and "boy" - too. So when his great friend called out a fool or a boy, Bim went immediately as to the nickname. And since he, at that age, mastered the tone of voice, then, of course, I am going to be the smartest dog. But the mind determines the dog's position among his fellows? Unfortunately no. Besides mental inclinations, in Bima not everything was in order. True, he was born of purebred parents, setters, with a long pedigree. Each of his ancestor was a personal piece of certificate. The owner could to these profiles not only to reach the great-grandfather and probabki Bima, but also know, if you wish, Pradedova great-grandfather and great-grandmother prababushkinu. Of course, this is all good. But the fact is that with all the advantages Bim had a major flaw, which then greatly affected his fate: though he was of the breed English Setter (Gordon Setter), but turned out to be absolutely unusual color - that is, and salt. By the standards of hunting dogs Gordon Setter must necessarily be black, with a shiny bluish - raven, and always with a clearly demarcated bright markings, brown-red markings, even white markings are considered large defect Gordon. Bim is degenerated thus: white body, but with the red-haired tan and even slightly noticeable red specks, only one ear and one leg is black, really - like a raven's wing, the second ear soft yellowish-red-haired color. It's amazing this phenomenon: in all respects - Gordon Setter and color - well, nothing like that. Some far-distant ancestor took here and popped in Bime: parents - Gordon, and he - albino breed. In general, with a multi-colored ears and a large podpalinkami smart dark brown eyes face Bima was even nicer, noticeably, perhaps even cleverer, or how to say, philosophically, thoughtfully than normal dogs. And really, all this can not even be called a muzzle, but rather - a dog person. But under the laws of Canine white color, in a particular case, it is considered a sign of degeneration. In all - a handsome man, but by the standards of coat - is clearly questionable and even vicious. This trouble was in Bima. Of course, Bim did not understand the guilt of his birth, since puppies are not given by nature to the birth parents choose. Bimu simply not given and think about it. He lived himself and is happy.
Income dog faith always ready, faithful dog looking eyes
For dogs dead bodies and organs do not matter. And some dogs eat them at all. After the Battle of the Titans World War dead is not over. White Bim Black Ear was not entitled to the First World War with the dead go Hotel, where the bodies came to life ... Once a dog was shot in the head. A jacket host Bima Wola near an urn where the bodies lay. Beam died of cold on the famine, at a temperature of his body 58 degrees, and at a temperature of -57 dorm
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